Empathy is the first step to inclusion

This article is a part of a HRZone series celebrating National Inclusion Week in 2024 #ImpactMatters

The story of Rabbi Hillel is a great example of the wisdom of empathy.

Two thousand years ago a man asked the same question to rabbi Hillel, and two thousand later he asked the same thing to rabbi Shammai: Can you teach the Torah as I stand on my one leg? In a very short period of time ).

Shammai, the passionate and irascible Shammai, sent him away because it was an absurd question.

The patient Hillel answered: “What you hate about your neighbor, you don’t do to yourself. This is the entire Torah; the rest is an explanation. Go and learn.”

Hillel gave us what we call The Golden Rule …. Empathy is rooted in the principle of doing unto others as you wish to be treated. Empathy is the ability of seeing other people’s needs and acting on them.


It’s not always possible in business to put the needs of others above those of your organisation. We can’t do everything we want. Leadership is about balancing priorities in order to achieve the desired and best outcome.

But taking care to meet the needs of your employees, wherever possible, will result in happier workers, better relationships and a dedicated workforce that will go above and beyond to achieve your goals. Be as inclusive as you can.

A workplace inclusive culture will create a place where different perspectives are valued. We will feel more at home if we are more inclusive.

We will achieve the best results from people if we embrace and respect differences, such as those based on race, gender, culture, ability or other factors, rather than ignoring them. At the end of it all, this is what effective leadership is about.

Soft skills are important.

Listening actively is the most important tool you can use:

What are people’s real thoughts?

What drives them?

What do they excel at?

What is the best way to learn?

With practice and some thought, you can begin to truly understand and empathise someone.

Our ethos at Pride365 is Do not call people out. Instead, invite them to join you. Look for what people are doing well and assist them where necessary. Make them feel valued and included.

It can be difficult to balance the management demands.

With a thousand things to do in a single day, it’s hard to spend time with people.

Your job becomes easier when the employee feels heard and senses empathy. You’re now on your way to a deeper understanding and more productive working relationships.

Try asking more questions and listening to the answers when you delegate. Even a few minutes could make a huge difference.

Don’t Stop Here

More To Explore

A guide for HR to support cognitive diversity

In fact, a href=”https://www.cipd.org/en/about/press-releases/one-in-5-neurodivergent employees experienced harassment or discrimination at work/#::text=However%2C%20despite%20this%20potential%20figure,be%20understanding%20or%20offer%20support.”> In fact, research from the CIPD in 2024 revealed only half of neurodivergent employees

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