What is your position in the list of best and worst industries for your health?

A study has shown the impact of different industries on health and well-being for workers. It highlights the best and the worst careers in terms of worker wellbeing.

Phoenix Health & Safety conducted the research to determine how different industries affect workers’ physical and mental health, as well how they feel their job impacts their social life.

According to the research, workers in the’science and technology’ industry experience the least negative impact on their workplace wellbeing compared to those working in other industries. The arts, entertainment and recreation industry is the most likely to negatively affect the wellbeing of its employees.

The’science and technology’ sector had the lowest number of injuries at work, as well having the least impact on family or social life. Less than a third of workers (32%) said their job affected their social life.

Public administration and defence ranked second, along with Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing. Public administration workers also reported lower levels of injury at work and the impact it had on their families, ranking second only behind’science & Technology’. Workers in this sector were, however, among the most likely of all to report work-related ill health.

Only 28% of those working in agriculture, forestry, and fishing reported having experienced anxiety or stress due to their job.

Ranking the best and worst industries for your health

  1. Science and technology

  2. Public Administration & Defence

  3. Agriculture forestry and fishing

  4. Wholesale retail and trade

  5. Finance and insurance

  6. Manufacturing

  7. Education

  8. Administrative and support services

  9. Construction

  10. Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning

  11. Information and communication

  12. Health & Social Work

  13. Accommodation and food services

  14. Arts and recreation

The opposite was true: while the “arts, recreation, and entertainment” industry had a relatively average impact on physical health, it had a 3rd largest impact on mental health. It also caused the second most disruption in social life. Over half of those working in this industry reported experiencing stress or anxiety at work. 53% also said that their work had impacted on their family and social life.

In all industries, over two-fifths (43%) said that they had experienced anxiety or stress at work. 36% reported that work-related stress had affected their physical health. Over a quarter (28%) sought professional assistance.

In terms of the impact on social life due to work, one third (33%) said that they missed important social or family events. Over a quarter (27%) stated that work caused tensions between them and their friends or family.

Donna-Marie Kendrick is a People Manager expert with Phoenix Health & Safety. She commented on the study: “Our jobs take up a significant portion of our life, so it’s vital that they have as little impact as possible on our health and well-being.

It is important for workers to take the appropriate measures to protect their health and wellbeing. It is important to have access to mental resources and to follow health and safety guidelines to minimize physical risks of injury.

For more information about Phoenix Health & Safety, visit: https://www.phoenixhsc.co.uk/

The original version of this post Best and worst industries for health to work in, what is your job ranking? appeared first on Human Resources News.

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