Limitation of AI usage by employees in a law firm

The law firm Hill Dickinson is restricting employee access to artificial-intelligence tools after a “significant” increase in usage.

A senior director of the global law firm that specializes in commercial law, and employs over a thousand employees worldwide, sent an email to its staff warning them about using AI.

The firm said that a large part of staff usage did not comply with its AI policy. In the future, it will only allow access to these tools through a request-based process.

Hill Dickinson’s chief technology officers, who sent the message, stated that, in just seven days between January and February, more than 32,000 people had visited the ChatGPT bot and over 3,000 on the Chinese AI-service DeepSeek.

Grammarly, a writing assistant tool, had almost 50,000 visits in the same period.

It is not clear how many employees used ChatGPT or DeepSeek or Grammarly or how many users visited these websites. Multiple hits may have been recorded each time an individual accessed the website.

BBC received an email from the company saying: “We’ve been monitoring usage, especially of publicly available generative Al tools. We have noticed that there has been a significant rise in both usage and uploading files to such tools.”

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