HSE releases new guidelines to protect hospitals from nitrous dioxide exposure

The Health and Safety Executive has published guidance to protect midwives against excessive nitrous dioxide exposure.

This guidance is intended for those who are responsible for the safety of new mothers and workers on maternity wards. This includes occupational health teams within the NHS.

Nitrous oxide, also known as “gas and air” when mixed with oxygen is an invisible gas widely used in healthcare. It can be used to relieve pain during childbirth.

Due to the long hours they spend in the labour room, they are more at risk of being exposed to higher levels nitrous dioxide.

It is vital to control levels as high exposure levels can lead to serious health problems, including neurological disorders and anaemia.

HSE and NHS maternity specialists have developed the guidance. HSE has stressed that it is relevant to professionals in other areas of healthcare, including those working outside maternity wards.

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations apply to nitrous oxide. The long-term exposure limit is 100 ppm, or 183 mg.m3, time-weighted 8-hour average.

HSE recommends that hospitals who use gas or air in their facilities should conduct a COSHH assessment for each area where it is used.

Helen Jones, the head of HSE’s Health and Public Services sector, stated: “This guideline is essential.” This guidance should be taken into account by those who are responsible for the management of health and safety at maternity units, and controlling the risks that staff working with nitrous dioxide face. It is important to consider pregnant women and other workers who might be more susceptible to exposure.

The workers must be consulted fully when it comes time to monitor the effectiveness of control measures, and how to use results. Jones said that this will include the management of workers if their exposure is reduced as a result of results.

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