Navigating Inclusion: Experts Share 6 Useful Tips On How Businesses Can Create Neurodivergent-Friendly Offices

According to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), around 15-20% of global population exhibit some form of neurodiversity. It is therefore important to design offices that embrace inclusion and Neurodiversity. It’s not just about well-being when you tailor the environment to accommodate different cognitive perspectives:

“The workplace is an eclectic mix of people with different backgrounds and needs. It is important to create inclusive work environments that support and accommodate all employees regardless of their mental or physical abilities. Inclusion design removes barriers that separate and create effort, allowing everyone to participate confidently and independently. “Inclusive environments reduce friction and increase productivity,” says Guenaelle W. Watson, Managing director at 360 Workplace, and member of Europe’s only workplace alliance Studio Alliance.

To help businesses create inclusive and neurodivergent-friendly spaces, Studio Alliance’s office design experts have offered six practical tips.

    Flexible Workstations – Individuals can choose a workstation that best suits their requirements. Individuals with neurodiverse traits may have different sensory preferences. Providing options such as standing desks or quiet corners can cater to these work styles. This helps to meet the needs of diverse employees and improves their comfort. Sensory Design: A sensory-friendly design can be crucial for neurodiverse people who are sensitive to sound, light or other stimuli. Create an environment with adjustable lighting, noise cancelling features, and acoustically-designed spaces. It creates an environment that is more focused and comfortable for all. Quiet spaces and retreats: Designating quiet areas allows employees to recharge and take a rest. It is especially beneficial for neurodiverse workers who need a respite from an overstimulating environment. Quiet retreats are a great place for relaxation, stress reduction and concentration. They also contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Signage and Navigation: Clear signage will help individuals navigate the office quickly. A well-organized layout is beneficial for neurodiverse people who might have difficulty with spatial orientation and changes in routine. Signage that is consistent and intuitive can reduce anxiety and improve accessibility. Diverse meeting Spaces: Create different meeting spaces that accommodate various communication styles and preferences. Neurodiverse people may be more comfortable in small groups or one-on-one sessions, while others might thrive in a larger collaborative setting. Diverse meeting spaces support diverse communication needs, and promote inclusivity. Employee input and feedback: Include employees, neurodiverse or not, in the process of design. Ask for feedback about the workspace you have and make suggestions to improve it. This participatory method ensures the design is truly inclusive and meets specific workforce needs. This approach also encourages a feeling of belonging, and empowers workers to make a positive contribution to the workplace.

The post Navigating Inclusion: Experts Share 6 Useful Tips On How Businesses Can Create Neurodivergent-Friendly Offices first appeared on HR News.

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