MP: Terminally ill workers need stronger rights

A MP led a discussion on the strengthening of employee rights for terminally-ill workers.

This week, Labour MP Lee Barron for Corby and East Northamptonshire led a discussion at Westminster Hall proposing that those with less than six month to live receive additional employment protections.

Barron said that some employers can dismiss employees even if they have only a few months left to live.

Some employers are dismissing dying workers on the basis of their capability. This means that some workers and families will be fighting to recover lost wages during a difficult time.

Barron supports the Dying To Work campaign which encourages employers sign a charter that commits them to providing additional protections for terminally ill workers.

He said: “It’s still legal to fire a terminally-ill worker in this country on the basis of ability. When someone is facing a devastating diagnosis they may also be faced with the loss of livelihood and financial security. This is unacceptable.”

Justin Madders is a Minister in the Department of Business and Trade. He argues that “the flexible approach we have now is the right approach”.

He said, “We need to deal with this matter with sensitivity and flexibility.” We must ensure that there are protections in place but also give employers and employees the freedom and space to make the best arrangements for them.

He said that employees with chronic illnesses, such as cancer, would automatically be protected under the Equality Act. This would also apply to the majority of terminally ill people.

The CIPD conducted research at the beginning of 2024 that showed only a third of organizations had specific provisions in place for workers who have terminal illnesses, such as a written policy, guidelines or training for line managers.

The CIPD has published guidance for HR departments on how to support these employees.

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